Y is for Younger Self



Have you ever thought about writing a letter to your younger self? I have.

If so, what would you tell yourself? How far back when you go, would you go to when you’re a teenager or would you go to when you were as a child? Would you tell yourself not to get into certain types of relationships or would you encourage yourself to not give up on your dreams?

I have never written a letter to my younger self. I think the reason why is because all of the failures and all of the successes, made me who I am today. If it was not for the lessons learned from my failures, I could not have any of the success that I have had in my life.

I think if I wrote a letter to my younger self, I would say two things. First, I would say “Please stop procrastinating”. The second thing that I would say is “Smile more”.

What advice would you give a younger version of yourself?

Keep smiling,

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