Z is for Zip Through a Weekly Meal Plan


The fastest way to zip through a weekly meal plan is to have one already done for you. Unfortunately, for the single working person, most meal plans have too much food and it also cost too much money because most meal plans are designed for a family of four. Most single working persons are normally cooking for one to two people. What to do?

Take a standard meal plan like this:

Monday – slow cooking
Tuesday – chicken
Wednesday – beef
Thursday – vegetarian
Friday – seafood
Saturday – quick and easy
Sunday – Roast or something that takes a long time to cook

A single working person is probably only going to cook three meals a week, What to do is cook every other day so Monday slow cook and then Wednesday cook your beef dish and then Friday cook fish and etc.

That is how you can take a standard weekly meal plan written for four people and condense it for yourself. Another thing you can do is to freeze your meals or to eat one day for dinner and another day for lunch. You just have to split it up some kind of way so therefore you’re not spending a lot of money on food and/or wasting food because you’re not cooking it.

Try it and to see how it goes

Keep smiling,


  1. Congrats on finishing the challenge! Great tips here too on meal planning and how to simplify it if one is single. Its just me and hubby now at home; we do something similar. I’ll cook something that lasts for 2 days, so we are only cooking about 3 meals a week ourselves; we usually go out to eat Friday nights.


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