O is for Organizing Fabrics


After accumulating various colors of threads, different yardage of fabric, various rulers, and books, one realizes that some sort organization is needed. Here are five tips:

  1. Keep like things together, keep even more similar things even closer together. This is especially true with fabric. All of the fabric should be together from there, group by color, fabric type, or by project.
  2. Don’t unravel a jelly roll unless you are ready to use it. I have unraveled a jelly roll or two just to look at it, but it becomes cumbersome to roll back up. It is no longer in its neat little package.
  3. Clear shoe box containers are your friends. They can be found at your local dollar store. You can store small pieces of fabric.
  4. Scrapbook containers are also your friends. These are great for storing current projects and blocks.
  5. Hanging Sweater Bags are great for storing large yardage of fabric.

Keep Smiling,


  1. My mother’s sewing room is a superbly organized riot of color; I always enjoy checking on her latest project. I’m more interested in sewing clothing than craft projects or quilts, and am having a hard time finding nice fabric for blouses, skirts, etc. These days, most fabric stores seem to cater to the craft crowd.
    @RhondaGilmour from
    Late Blooming Rose

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