U is for Unfinished Projects


I believe that everyone has a plethora of unfinished projects in the back of their mind, well at least in the back of my mind. I believe that everyone starts a project with the best intentions of finishing it, but somewhere along the way the project becomes boring or you become frustrated.

When I become bored, I may start taking a mental break. The mental break is supposed to be for day one hour, but a day turns into a week and so on and so on. Before you know it, the mental break has lasted several months or several years and the project has officially become an unfinished project. There are times where I stop a project because I become frustrated, I do not know how to fix something or how to accomplish the task. I may ask someone or I may look on the Internet for the answers. If I cannot find the answer or I don’t know what to do, then that project becomes an unfinished project.

Now I have noticed that projects for work get finished even if I do take a mental break or two, maybe because I’m getting paid to finish these projects. I want to get paid so you have that financial incentive that you may not have with other projects.

Earlier this year I started a Project Notebook, and is basically a binder inside the binder I have listed all of the projects unfinished and those that are new and upcoming on a sheet of paper. I ranked each project by importance. I even noted which project had to finish before another project I started, which projects that contain sub-projects, and I have also written down due dates if any. From the list of projects, I took the top 10 important projects that I had to do and for each project I’ve written on a separate piece of paper (one page per project) where had to be done, any due dates or any dates that I that they need I would like to have done, and I have written down any dollar amounts, such as if I have to go to the store and buy something for the project. Having a project notebook has freed up my mind some because you don’t have that that constant guilt of having to finish this project. Having all of the in one spot you can review your projects on a weekly basis, you can put project tasks into your daily or weekly to do list.

As you complete project tasks, projects get completed, not as many unfinished projects in your queue as they were, and you will start feeling a sense of accomplishment.
Keep Smiling,